So im a virgin almost lost it few days ago but i couldnt get hard can anyone help Me out and let Me know if something like that has happened to them. Im 17 btw

Hey man, I'm 40 years old, I was really intimate with my high school girlfriend, and we fooled around every weekend at my house. My parents never bothered us. I always treated her like shit though especially near the end of our relationship. We had the house to ourselves on my prom night. She was a year younger than me. We were still really close with each other sexually. Everything was ready to go on prom night back at my house, but I couldn't do it. We hadn't had sex yet, and I was looking forward to that night. I was such an asshole to her, I just couldn't do that one last thing, which was a big deal to her.

She was one of the most beautiful people I've ever known and still is. She lost her virginity to the guy she ended up marrying. Wasn't me, obviously. They have a family now, and I live alone in an apartment in a bad part of town.

I've dated a few girls/women since her, but I've never been able to get hard enough to have sex with them. It's performance anxiety, and part of me feels like I missed out on that first time that you're supposed to have when you're a kid.

I don't know why I'm telling you all of this. Maybe one just wanted to say it for a while now and let the world know that there's a 40 year old virgin out there.

Bring on the jokes, I'm sure there going to be some.

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