Why is Islam such a big threat to the world today?

Things are slightly different in USA than in Europe. USA is inherently multicultural and therefore more tolerant. Sure majority of population in USA is white but no one today considers USA to be a "white christian nation", people are accepting that blacks, latinos, natives and even muslims are all equally a part of the nation. Also it's huge and wealthy so there's lots of space for people and lots of opportunities. The other big factor relating to muslims is that in USA majority of muslims are from well educated, professional backgrounds. In Europe on the other hand people's identity is inherently nationalistic. Europe is about the size of USA and is divided into like 20 different countries, each with their own nationalistic identity and beliefs. Apart from a few countries in Western Europe like UK, France and Germany, most European countries are very homogenous so any immigrants really stand out and find it pretty hard to fit in. Then many of European countries are currently in economic turmoil and coincidentally they're also the ones which are at the front lines of large waves of refugee and immigration. Most of the immigrants aren't educated professionals but people fleeing war and persecution and those looking for economic prospects. They're mostly poor and not very highly educated. This is bound to cause trouble when you think about the numbers coming in and the great lengths they go to get into Europe. Thus all people in these European countries hear about Islam is related to refugees fleeing ISIS and other crazy Islamist groups. These refugees can't work, are treated poorly and live in terrible conditions. Then there is fear mongering about how europeans are dying out (the fertility rates in Eastern Europe is among the lowest in the world so this is true) and immigrants from Africa and Middle East and taking over instead. For deeply nationalistic people this is their greatest fear (think of how a pre-Islamic Arab would feel when told their proud Arab race is dying out and will soon be replaced by the Africans to get another context) therefore it becomes very easy for a person in these countries to attribute everything that's wrong in the world to muslims and Islam. This is why when it comes to Europe especially, Islamaphobia is deeply interwoven with immigration.

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