Man Arrested 30 Times for Bus and Train Thefts in an Attempt to Fulfill His Childhood Dream

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 83%. (I'm a bot)

Another time he responded to an emergency stop call on the subway at 57th street in Manhattan; clearing passengers safely and correctly and diagnosing the problem, in full uniform, before being caught by the train driver, who had seen his face on a wanted poster.

A train driver known as "Uncle Craft" first taught him to drive subway trains, on the stretch of track between the last stop and the depot at 179th street.

In 1981, when he was arrested for the first time at the controls of an E train - having driven it without incident from 34th street to the World Trade Center at Manhattan's southern end after being handed the controls by one of his friends, a driver who was sick - he had already driven subway trains dozens of times.

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