Monkey on a capybara


Dear Mr. Moon

Hey Moon guess what? You got an A in your chemistry class. Now is that not one of the greatest things you have ever heard? I bet it is. You did a bunch of things to help you along the way, and now I’m going to tell you what all of those things are. Not because this is some assignment I have to do, but because I felt obligated to document how you managed to destroy the curve in one of the most notorious weed out classes in college. The first thing you did was attend all the lectures and you even payed attention which is a step in the right direction. It was a lot better than high school where you just stared at the wall and listened to music. You also participated in class. I remember one time you were not sure about something so you raised your hand and asked about it. It may have been one of the most nerve racking events of your short, meaningless life but you did it nonetheless. You also went to recitation every single time. You talked with the teacher of the class about homework and asked clarifying questions to help fill in holes with that week’s reading. You even participated in group work. Sometimes your partners had questions and you would help answer them and other times they would answer your questions. You also spent sixty dollars of your parent’s hard earned money in order to purchase an access code for a website called ALEKS so you could do the homework in a class at a school you’re paying $40,000 a year for. After you recovered from nearly being nickel and dimed to death you started using ALEKS to do your homework and you made sure to complete it on time despite the websites excruciatingly poor design. You also set a schedule and worked ahead when you had the opportunity. The final thing you did which solidified your success in CHEM 111 was to spend start studying for exams two weeks before they happened so you did not have to stay up until four in the morning reviewing and you could take the exam well rested. However the most important thing you did was maintain a positive mental attitude. You never got your hopes down. Even when things were looking grim you stood tall and tackled your work head on. You did not procrastinate, you did not ever doubt yourself, and you took the bull by the horns, the car by the bumper, the Carpe by its Diem, the cat by the tongue. You just did it.

Sincerely Cameron Moon

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