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I take it no one commenting on this post ever looked up the side effects of the vaccine...

I take it no one commenting on this post ever looked up the side effects of the vaccine...

1st sentence: I do not understand your point here. People may be fatigued for a day or two so they shouldn't take it?

2nd sentence: This is anecdotal data. This is only one person's observation and does not encompass the full span of variability in outcomes related to this illness.

3rd sentence: I do not know your age group but if your father is 60 then I assume you're like 40 or below which makes you (by age) likely low risk. Just because you're low risk does not mean you will not have an adverse outcome which may not be death but could include chronic fatigue caused by lung scarring or any number of other known side effects of Covid. So you can't say you 'know' it wont kill you, it likely will not but you could have other adverse outcomes. In my opinion the death aspect isn't the most concerning but more so the side effects on the lungs and heart which can lead to chronic health issues and potential future morbidities.

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