Ever notice that the small number of Racist T_D supporters always blame another group but never place any blame at their own feet? I notice.

here's what I was reading & grabbed before it was deleted:

*Ever notice that the small number of Racist T_D supporters always blame another group but never place any blame at their own feet? I notice. by BasedCanuckV3 in The_Donald

[–]BasedCanuckV3[S] 1 point 6 minutes ago*

Remember, this transcends race and religion. This is not a white persons club, despite the fact that white culture is the one being targeted by Globalists, there are people here from every race and culture standing alongside you, try not to chase them away with ignorant and infantile views. This is not a race war, this is a clash of ideology and economic class. When you start making this about race, you play right into the hands of your enemies. They simply point at you and say look, see, we were right, nothing but a bunch of dim white supremacists. Don't be a fool. This does not reflect the President or his supporters and you do them political harm that way. You can be critical of any group, but when you pass a blanket judgement on all of Jews or all of Black or all of Muslims, you do not win any support or friends in any place that matters. Sometimes in War the guy next to you may not be your pal back in normal life, but on the field of battle, he does not have to be, he only needs to be loyal to the cause and carry out his or her duty. Do not be divisive by making it about race. You need all the good Trump supporting Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, and Muslims right here with you. Even if it is for no other reason to prove this is not a white supremacist movement, which is how the world see's it presently. The danger cannot be understated.

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