Please leave me an anonymous, filthy voicemail I can listen to during the day! (see comments for details)

Hi y’all! To exacerbate my descent into perversion, I got a an anonymous voicemail account and I was was wondering if some nice people would call me up and leave disgusting and/or degrading voicemails on it, which I can then listen to through earbuds as I go about my daily life. It would really help me to remember my place and my true self when I’m trying to function as a normal, non-perverted member of society, and would be much appreciated.

Please take a look through my post history for ideas about how to trigger me. Thank you to anyone who calls!

Phone number is (628) 286-2681. Calls go straight to voicemail after one ring. Maximum message length is just under 2 minutes (if you get cut off try calling back a little later, the thing glitches now and then).

/r/u_JustHereForDms Thread Link -