Please rate my essay

looking for new job ads

better say 'checking through vacancies'

that helped her get where she is now.

maybe 'achieve her goal'? sounds a little too spoken

she found just the job she wanted

not sure it's OK to write like this, sounds too spoken for a writing test

accepted for university.

maybe 'for' is inappropriate here?I'd write 'accepted at/to the university', adding the definite article

There were some topics in that programme that I have never encountered before, which made it difficult for me.

Probably you could rewrite this as 'It included a range of unfamiliar topics I had to struggle with, but after a month of...'

'giving up on distractions'

I doubt we 'give up' on distractions.

with very high grades

I heard this is considered to be a sign of weak writing. They told me it's better to write 'with a top score' or something similar without 'very-very-very'

I can still learn

probably, you'd better say 'study'

/r/ToeflAdvice Thread