Rescoring speaking section

I got a 107 (29R, 30L, 23R, 25W) on my first attempt. Many of the top schools in the UK have a minimum requirement of 110 (overall) and 25 per section.

Since I felt that I definitely deserved more than a 23 in speaking I started searching on reddit for rescoring advice and after much consideration I just decided to wing it...

Instead of receiving my scores 3 week later (as they suggest), I got my scores changed two days later! My score in speaking increased from 23 to 26 allowing me to pass both minimum requirement (overall increased from 107 to 110). I'm still trying to process how clutch this was...

My advice to all is to just ask for the rescore. You'll never know what could happen. If they downgrade it, then retake the TOEFL, but at least you gave it a shot.

/r/ToeflAdvice Thread