The point Sunny was trying to make

I have a friend who is Asian, but was adopted when she was a newborn. Her name was changed to a very common, American name. Her parents named her the American name when she was adopted and kept her Asian name as her middle name. She grew up with very white, wealthy parents. I don’t know that she was embarrassed of her Asian ancestors, we never had that conversation, but I know she didn’t want to meet her parents or visit the country. I don’t think that equates shame. I’m an American of Irish descent. My children have very Irish names. My son is a redhead. No one walks around asking, oh you must be Irish?! Does that mean I’m not proud? No. But I’m actually indifferent. My daughter loves black people. It sounds weird to type that, but she does. Black princesses, black dolls. We don’t make a thing of it either way because I hope someday people are just seen for who they are, not their race or religion or anything else that just doesn’t matter. It’s just a freaking name. There are many reasons to be annoyed by Nikki Haley, but this just isn’t one of them.

/r/theview Thread