r/Earwolf is full of bullies that have made life really hard for me

Dude. I am sorry you're learning this lesson directly, but I literally can't overstate how fucking horrible the internet is, social media in particular. Please try to take solace in the fact that these idiots would literally never be able to tell you that to your face, and if you chose to delete reddit that this reality would go away forever. Fuck people who use the anonymity of social media to hurt people. It's gross and inhuman.

Can you believe the gall of people who would shit on something you created for no good reason. I hope you can see them for the pathetic people they are.

You are amazing, you're creating something out of nothing, you're getting flak from people who are choosing to spend their time tearing people down. Fuck. Them. Live your life and fuck the haters. having had some extended harassment myself via this awful site, I suggest liberal use of the block function. Please don't suffer because of some dick holes who have shown themselves to be the worst available people. And consider cutting down your reddit time. If this site got deleted, none of this would impact your life - think about that. I will be listening to your podcast and I love that you're creating ❤️

/r/comedybangbang Thread