Should I buy "Black Mamba" or "Abbys"

Yeah haha i know the pain i got a ps5 and there’s not much to do hey haha.

Yeah if you get stuck there’s a couple of things, increase skills to the next 10x multiple for the 2x boost, Increase your runes, bring your armour up to date, upgrade your heroes and do the next tier of unleashes are usually the normal things

For you getting your skills to 100k maybe even 250k and just getting tickets to get your heroes to around 4* would be great. Runes all to 5 or V isn’t a bad choice and that’s really it. That should push you to around 1500 then just keep ascending skills and getting better ones, but a new weapon then and with the new found higher elixir you can bring your stats to 500k maybe 750k then push a little more and get them to the 1m mark. Then your heroes should be closer to the 7/8/9 mark then just focus on getting 10* heroes and getting your armour to where it can. You could farm dungeons or expeditions overnight for a steady influx of bones and keys during the process. From 0-3k is the like tutorial for the game most people say, it’s really grindy and slow for me it felt 500-2k was really slow and picked up for a hit until 2.5k-3k was really slow then 3k to 5k is really fast

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