What is your Blur albums rank?

  1. 13 (definitely not my favourite, that’s parklife, but 13 is undeniably the best. it also has swamp song, my favourite song... well, ever)
  2. Parklife (it’s a classic, how can you not love it?)
  3. S/T (very solid, i like the sound of a lot of songs here and the albums following it)
  4. The Great Escape (really fun, but a bit messy as damon once said)
  5. MLIR (first few tracks are nice, but most of the stuff here is kinda forgettable imo)
  6. Think Tank (criminally underrated, caravan is one of the best songs blur’s ever made)
  7. The Magic Whip (it’s pretty good, but i don’t really know what to say about it)
  8. Leisure (there’s no other way is great but everything else is decent at most)
/r/blur Thread