Scumbag America

It's usually when I come to Reddit that I notice how disconnected (and stubborn) Americans are when it comes to health care.

They will take perfect care of you, sure. But, they will bill you a crazy amount when you leave unless you can afford insurance for every single member of the family; this usually is still more expensive than on most if not all first world country. So, here's my little story:

Before I came to the U.S from Portugal to study four years ago, I had a little trip to Angola and got malaria. I only started noticing the symptoms a few days after I arrived in the US. That was the worst that could've happened to me, I was expecting to get sick that fast. I'm usually an extremely healthy person when by back isn't hurting. Well, I was billed for hundreds of thousands of dollars for that...

Then, all we could think was how unlucky I was to get sick in US territory. Both in Angola and in Portugal, I would be treated for almost nothing. You pay an insignificant amount, they take care of you and you proceed with your life without even noticing you spent a thing. Shame, it happened in the US.

That's the difference. Don't get sick if you don't have an insurance. In other countries major countries and even in some developing or undeveloped ones, you don't even have to worry.

Now my experience here tells me that your patriotism and stubbornness blinds you. If you fixed this and your education system (ridiculous how expensive it is), you would be much better in the long run. Ignore Republicans. Seriously, they are just looking after their buddies who pay them major cash. It isn't as expensive and as costly as they make it out to be and you won't be a communist either. Check Donald Trump's recent interview with Anderson Cooper (talking about politics, favors, donors) - it's that simple.

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