Where should I go to ask why people hate Digibro?

I might be late to this, but if you'd allow me to put in my two cents, I'd be happy to weigh in. I think it's less about hating Digibro himself, and more about hating the content he produces. I'm not a fan of him, but that doesn't give me a good enough reason to hate the person behind the video. However, there will always be a group of people who decide to take things too far. Despite not enjoying his content, I'm sure he'd be a decent guy if we ever met in real life, because I like to look at it from a slightly more positive position and think that his attitude in his videos is more of a character that he puts on for the sake of his channel. Sure, I thought he came across as a pretentious prick at times and I've never been able to make it past the first 4 minutes of any of the few videos of his I've seen, but I'm not going to attack the man. It's his channel and he has every right to run it the way he sees fit (so long as he follows the YouTube guidelines, which he has), so when people throw stupid insults in his direction or make pathetic death threats (Yes, I've actually seen this), I just think they need to grow the hell up. It's OK to disagree with his opinion, but people take it way too personally and it's just getting old at this point.

/r/Digibro Thread