Wishful Thinking: I wish I could recharge daily limit for special missions

Is Spy Tactics A Good ISO Set?

Short answer, yes.

Longer answer... Here it goes.

Firstly, I decided to revisit TMizzle's Silk video[5]. My intention was to study Silk's skill rotation and its cooldowns, if any, during Story, TL, and VS. I've observed that all of Silk's skills are on cooldown every four or so skill rotations when her skills are used nonstop. With skill cancelling (as TMizzle did during his VS segment), her skills reach complete blackout much quicker. His Silk had a healing set without cooldown boost and he rolled all skill cooldowns on his fourth gear.

Even without skill cooldown ISO set, TMizzle's Silk[5] was able to complete several skill rotations. When her skills were on blackout, her enemies were either CC'd, her shield was active, or her high dodge rate allowed her to take minimal hits. In one to three seconds, one of her skills came back online and she would repeat her skill rotations. Purely from what I studied off of a video, I wouldn't deem skill cooldown ISO a useful set for Silk.

However, personal experiences tell a different story. u/NexusKnights advised a user to "reroll for an attack or skill cooldown"[3] and u/toysoldierxiii stated that his Silk with crit rate gear "absolutely rolls opposing... [defensively-built] Silks." u/constantreverie described Silk with Spy Tactics to have immense potential: "If you know how to play her manual, ... you can beat any 3 maxed heroes in the game." When toysoldierxiii described his own Silk beating other defensive Silks, constantreverie stated that "when [his] silk was [level] 51, she would beat max gear, max iso set silks on autoplay, and still have 3/4 life left." u/buttjeeks briefly mentioned that "Spy Tactics should work well with her because SCD is great with Silk"[4]. It's very clear that there are several players who can vouch for ST's capability and their personal achievements back up their claim that ST is absolutely a good set for Silk.

Spy Tactics Is Good, But Is It the Best?

Short answer, maybe.

Longer answer....

There are characters that benefit the most from a certain set. There are others that can generally benefit from multiple sets depending on how you play and what kind of potential you're looking for. Silk seems to fall under the latter category.

While there have been comments that speak for ST's viability, there have also been comments that speak against ST and/or for another set.

There have been comments that dismissed skill cooldown boost as being a necessary thing for Silk. u/jintomang stated that "Skill Cooldown is at it's [sic] limit... If Auto Played she will never run out of skills. So IMO she doesn't need more Skill Cooldown."[2] u/PapaGrizzli noted how "skill rotation is never a problem due to the long animations"[4] and u/Severity1 had agreeing ideas[4].

As for different sets, few players brought up the possibility of a recovery set. u/-Baef[1] noted that SB and IAAG can be useful for Silk.

TL;DR: Keep it. If you hate it and/or you want to try a different build one day, reroll for an offensive set.

P.S.-You're the OP for the second link. u/NexusKnights, u/Tha-Simpsons, and u/jintomang had extremely helpful answers. In the future, you can try looking through your past relevant posts. It is tedious, but it can often give you the answer or point you in the right direction.


/r/FutureFight Thread