This woman's husband used to travel a lot

She was a massage therapist where I worked. Every time I saw her in the hall, she'd say that I should come in and get some work and I'd be polite and enjoy the conversation but then when walked away, I'd go back to work and forget about her days there, hours, how to sign up, etc.

Then once I noticed when we were talking, that she kept smiling bashfully and tugging at her hair. It may be bullshit, but to me, I've always interpreted that kind of behavior to indicate sexual attraction so I asked her if I could make her dinner sometime. She told me that she was seeing someone and then...."actually, I'm married" and then I knew she was interested. I just smiled but kept looking at her and she said, "When were you thinking?". We picked a date, she came over, we ate and before I knew it, she was pushing me into the bedroom. The next few hours told me that she liked to fuck. She said she'd never done that before and I believed her but I didn't care.

She came over a lot during the late afternoon (I work from home), when for whatever reason, she knew he wouldn't be checking in with her. And he traveled about 4 or 5 days a month and she almost spent those entire days at my place. It was like it was always a honeymoon.

She just really has or had a super-high libido and I loved hearing her cumming and the woman was a multiorgasmic screamer which I don't think the neighbors appreciated but I didn't care.

She's still married. We're FB friends and we're both single but I don't have those feelings for her any more. There's someone else I'm with almost exclusively and she's single which is all I do, now.

/r/cheatingwives Thread Link -