389 words Were longswords ever used during the conquests of the New World? 103 words How did people decide that years should be counted since the birth of christ? And is there a possibility that we are in the year 2020 because someone made a mistake? 317 words Its typically believed that glasses were invented in the late 13th century; what was it like for people who needed them before they were invented? Were people just walking around blind? What was it like for the ancient Egyptian or even the ancient Roman empires? 121 words 1M Census Update 209 words Before submarines were invented, how deep did people think the oceans were? 715 words Partway through the 1939 movie "The Wizard of Oz" it changes from black-and-white to color. Is this something that the audiences expected to happen, or did it come as a complete surprise to them? 235 words Methodology: When writing about slavery, what should I do about quotes using offensive and exaggerated dialect likely added by a white writer? 172 words Why is the term "colonialism" often limited to European empires since the Age of Discoveries? Weren't ancient empires such as Rome, China or Persia also colonialist? 122 words Why did the US purchase of Iceland and Greenland not happen? 152 words When and why did conservative Jewish sects cease being opposed to Zionism and instead seemed to have embraced it? 221 words Friday Free-for-All | June 21, 2019 524 words Can someone confirm/debunk this? "Jewish scripture is in essence Babylonian and Akkadian mythology with Hebrew/Yahwist elements constructed for establishing a religion to help control a Hebrew state under Persian rule" 817 words How did “Princess Culture” begin? Did medieval and Victorian girls often pretend to be princesses? 672 words How historically accurate was the video game Battlefield 1? 525 words How did the Israeli legal community respond to Eichman’s abduction, trial, or death penalty? Was there any appreciable opposition from those within legal circles or elsewhere? 146 words Why Doesn't Africa Have A Country on the Geographic Scale of Australia, Brazil, or China? 139 words What steps did the Soviet Union take to contain ethnic Russian nationalism? Were ethno-supremacist currents prohibited among politicians and everyday people? 284 words How accurate, in both a practical and a technical sense, are the claims being thrown around that there was a super high (70% or perhaps up to 91%) tax rate on "the rich" under President Eisenhower? 138 words Would a blockade and the use of airpower be enough to bring about Japan's capitulation instead of a land invasion? 157 words When did American Congress get so quiet compared to the British Parliament that yell and scream?