119 words I need help understanding how the Hosts file resolves URLs 125 words How do cameras work? Is there anything difficult to write in the code for one? 147 words Can I convert an HTML website to PHP and make it dynamic? 162 words Architect dictatorship or team democracy? 139 words Is anyone else disturbed by how inefficient software has become? Software's always had bloat, but I see people complain about not being able to run trivial programs (games, web browsers, etc.) on hardware that is easily THOUSANDS - if not more - times more powerful than what should be needed. 482 words What steps should i take to learn programming, specifically for video games? 402 words How Do/Did You Format Your Notes When Learning a Programming Language? 181 words Java Code Revision 131 words there is a PL like Halide but for general purpose programming ? 261 words Calculating days between is not working 143 words What are your proudest projects? 133 words I want to get into Neural Networks, where should I start? 139 words Which of your projects are you the most proud of? 573 words Code stops incrementing to variable total and total 2 at line 1348 212 words A question regarding De Morgan's Law and programming with NOR conditionals 227 words How to design a program? 137 words How do Spreadsheet programs efficiently deal with 10s of thousands of cells? 189 words Application Programming with the C family 209 words Need help about php 482 words University Student trying to become a Computer Programmer