Application Programming with the C family

If C is your favorite language and your goal is just to build a text based game then you could start there no problem. You probably wouldn’t need to or want to build your own OO with vtables unless that is specifically what you wanted to learn.

I would only bother with C++ if you specifically wanted to learn it and wanted to make real graphical games in the future or perhaps if you had already started thinking in an OO way.

Of the requirements are coding a text based game in OO, then you have to learn a new OO based c-like language anyway so you have some choices that are more modern than C++. If you want it to be windows, and want to write modern graphical games eventually then c# would be a good choice. With JavaScript you can easily write graphical games in the browser. It all depends on your current and future goals, and whether the focus is on getting something done vs wanting to learn something, and whether you want to stay in the text based world or move to graphics eventually.

/r/AskProgramming Thread