110 words Scientists believe that a function of a zebra’s stripes is to deter insects, so a team or researchers painted black and white stripes on several cows and discovered that it reduced the number of biting flies landing on the cows by more than 50%. 415 words The making of the Brooklyn bridge 178 words Women in Chicago being arrested for wearing one piece bathing suits, without the required leg coverings. 1922. 183 words Solstice: Sunrises Around the Year 219 words Big shoutout to this Dad 137 words Now that's White privilege done right 160 words Picture of eagle taken the moment before diving in 151 words Checking the quality of handmade Chinese teapots 238 words Effects of gravity when you drive on different planets 145 words The bird-call effect, which resembles the warble of the Mexican quetzal bird, a sacred animal in Mayan culture, was first recognized by California-based acoustic engineer David Lubman in 1998. The 'chirp' can be triggered by a handclap made at the base of the staircase. 142 words The kindness of strangers. 150 words A chopstick store in Tokyo 129 words Thanks Ottoman 126 words 14,600,000 bolivars, the amount of money you need to buy a 5 pound chicken in Venezuela 106 words Pencil carving 221 words Back in 2012 a 12 year old girl named BridgeAnne d’Avignon discovered that all U.S. presidents but one ( Martin van Buren ) are blood related to each other. They are descendants of the same English king, John Lackland Plantagenet. 151 words Before and after limb lengthening. 109 words Every morning, 72 year-old Stephen Mckears kept finding his tools that he'd left on his workbench the day before—stored back in his toolbox. He put a camera on his workbench overnight and it revealed a mouse that spent two hours every night putting everything back in the toolbox! 172 words Composite faces of men and women by sexuality 298 words Captain Jack Bonavita was considered one of the best animal trainers in the world, working with film companies and his traveling show. In 1904 he attempted a show with 27 lions, one turned on him, costing him an arm. He continued training animals until his death in 1917 at the hands of a polar bear.