333 words What is something you wish you had known before becoming a professor? 314 words Anyone watching The Chair on Netflix? 183 words Boom! 136 words Lowest effort ever from a student. 166 words Academic Dismissal Letter Request 196 words Feeling terrible for students who try and do poorly. How do others not let it impact them? It’s becoming a huge downer. For context, I am an adjunct for a higher level elective at a masters of tax program 293 words Enabler Professors 138 words Math and science professors...thoughts on removing all remedial math courses from community college? 210 words Fuck this Friday: Weekly Discussion 141 words Student Here. Would you fail a graduating senior? 231 words What lack of basic knowledge in college students surprises you the most? 213 words [Rant] Not a single student has accessed any of the course material 175 words I'm done lying. I'm sick of online teaching. My students are sick of online learning. No it's not working well. 145 words Favorite Syllabus Sections/Addendums 205 words What’s your policy on late work during this pandemic 731 words Do you clarify "no you may not have an extension" if the student emails with an excuse but doesn't specifically ask for one? 126 words Giving students a failing final grade makes me so anxious 254 words Learned helplessness 255 words When you're a 22 year old grad TA with a 40 year old in your class 138 words My university is offering a mask breathing workshop for faculty. I'm neutral about this -- probably because I am beginning to disassociate like I did during my divorce.