331 words The Fire on the 57 Bus 385 words What does it take to be a successful writer? Passion, commitment--and a wealthy SO. 993 words Why I Am Not a Maker: When tech culture only celebrates creation, it risks ignoring those who teach, criticize, and take care of others. 338 words "His car was vandalized with red-dyed tampons and smeared with peanut butter, to which he is fatally allergic, The shape of a penis was burned into his front lawn with bleach". He was the Victim, she was the Rapist. but he was treated more like the perpetrator than a victim 356 words Scott Aaronson answers a feminist on how he feelt growing up as a "nerd" 576 words You’re 16. You’re a Pedophile. You Don’t Want to Hurt Anyone. What Do You Do Now? 381 words You’re 16. You’re a Pedophile. You Don’t Want to Hurt Anyone. What Do You Do Now? 499 words Abortion: Not Easy, Not Sorry 725 words Ending excessive police force starts with new rules of engagement 653 words In 1984 a group of Australian Aboriginal people living a traditional nomadic life were encountered in the heart of the Gibson desert in Western Australia. They had been unaware of the arrival of Europeans on the continent, let alone cars - or even clothes. 480 words In 1984 a group of Australian Aboriginal people living a traditional nomadic life were encountered in the heart of the Gibson desert in Western Australia. They had been unaware of the arrival of Europeans on the continent, let alone cars - or even clothes. 375 words Prosecute Torturers and Their Bosses: No amount of legal pretzel logic can justify the behavior detailed in the report. The question is whether the nation will stand by and allow the perpetrators of torture to have perpetual immunity for their actions. 693 words An Open Letter to Michelle Duggar As She Celebrates Her Victory In Repealing Anti-LGBT Laws