The Fire on the 57 Bus

Neil Degrasse Tyson is fat and I never hear anyone say anything about him. What I do see - aside from one explicit fat-mocking sub I found, but at the same time there are fringe subs for everything - is people mocking the Fat Acceptance movement, which is really just a Fat Empowerment movement, and the empowerment techniques are ridiculous or factually incorrect (for example, some say that it is impossible to lose weight.) Everything I see on Reddit and elsewhere is mocking movements, rather than people. So if you align yourself with a movement, that's what's going to happen.

I think it's just insecurity and sensitivity more than anything. These people are in the minority and will likely always be in the minority. So anything that is said is going to carry more weight. On the other hand, people are just reacting to shit that is being said. The same could be said for Atheists who lead every conversation with "I am an atheist." Those people are mocked, too. If the personality of this person is not "this is who I am" but rather "this is the group I belong to," people are going to treat them like a soldier because that' what they want to be.

So in this case, this is a crime, this is a heinous thing that I don't think anyone would agree with unless they're extreme ideologues who just compile lists of "degenerate" lifestyles. The argument can't be that people are easily tricked, I haven't seen any evidence of that. If you're beating up a trangender person, it's not because you read about these senseless goofs on the internet. There are certainly hateful people who subscribe to these channels in the same way the Nation of Islam can have people who legitimately want to hang and burn white people, but their hatred is grounded in something way out there and its easy to spot them, even on 8chan. They don't really try to hide themselves.

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