143 words eli5: how can we intuitively prove that set N is countable although it is infinite.. how can it be countable? 288 words ELI5 Whats the drama between Nikola Tesla and Eddison, if there is any. 124 words eli5 How does those glasses that turn shady being outside and clear when inside work? 222 words ELI5 How do toilets flush without overflowing on water and still have water left over in the bowl? 111 words eli5: I don't understand why hieroglyphics a lost language. Egypt was the biggest civilization of its time and there is no translation other than the Rosetta stone? Why? 552 words ELI5 - How does diplomatic immunity work? 243 words ELI5: What is the Fermi Paradox? 276 words Eli5: In the article from the Guardian explaining the proposed increase in National Insurance, examples of NI income as a percentage are provided, but why does the contribution % increase up until £50k and then begin to decrease from then on all the way up to £130k? 214 words ELI5: How does Universal Income work? 168 words Eli5: Why is when a wheel is moving at extremely high speeds it looks like it’s moving slowly going backwards? 153 words Eli5: How come hand sanitizer has an expiration date? What exactly happens once it goes past it? 148 words ELI5: what Apple’s child-exploitation prevention efforts do, and what information is sent where, how, and under what circumstances. 138 words ELI5: If electric vehicles are the way to go to reduce emissions, wouldn't charging them use up a lot of power, therefore still being costly and polluting? How does it work? 190 words ELI5: Why does French (and other languages like it) need masculine and feminine nouns? 1,271 words ELI5 . why was it mandatory for the crew of the SR-71 reconnaissance aircrafts to be married? 234 words ELI5: Spaying and neutering your pets makes them happier, healthier, and longer lived, but removing the gonads ( ovaries, testes) of humans causes health problems and a loss of quality of life without hormones. What’s up. 175 words ELI5: Why can’t a middle class individual use the same tax avoidance methods as the ultra rich to pay little to no income taxes? 140 words ELI5: How do the markets remain free in an ideal capitalist society? 157 words Eli5: If there's infinite stars, why isn't our night sky completely lit up? 127 words ELI5: Why do birds walk the way they do? You know, with the bobbing of their heads from front to back?