ELI5: If electric vehicles are the way to go to reduce emissions, wouldn't charging them use up a lot of power, therefore still being costly and polluting? How does it work?

This is actually a bit a passion project for me. Let me try to explain broad strokes and then we can discuss.

Manufacturing the battery also consumes energy, thus emitting CO2. Current estimates for this process are 106 kg/kWh. Assume that all vehicles will use a 100 kWh pack and all batteries will last 100,000 miles. Assume that all electric vehicles get 90 MPGe. Also assume that the average ICE vehicle emits 410 g/mi. We can calculate EV emission per mile for each state, including T&D loss, by using this resource and the MPGe&kWh/mi. With this list of assumptions, we discover that in 3 is states, an EV will emit more CO2 over its assumed 100,000 mi lifetime - West Virginia, Wyoming, and Kentucky. In all other states, the EV emits less.

/r/explainlikeimfive Thread