172 words ELI5: Why is there a need for both AA and AAA batteries? 196 words eli5 "Economics is a religion" what does that mean? 108 words ELI5: Why can't machines crochet? 138 words eli5 Why did people in USA Australia etc develop different accents when they were originally British? 130 words ELI5: Why would a game that needs only 1 GB of storage need 8 GB OF Recomended RAM and 4 Gb of minimum RAM requirement? 168 words ELI5: Why do double minuses become positive, and two pluses never make a negative? 124 words ELI5:Why do anti depressants lower your libido? 804 words ELI5: What are variables in computer science, in general? 195 words ELI5: Why hasn't countries started using nuclear power again? 140 words Eli5: Why are companies so scared of unions? 189 words ELI5: Since money is a thing invented by people, why can't we just decide inflation doesn't exist? 241 words ELI5: False vacuum decay 121 words ELI5: Why is US gasoline priced to nine-tenths of a cent? 234 words [ELI5] How can we hear multiple frequencies at once? 209 words ELI5 Why does the US still use the imperial system? 164 words ELI5: would banks ever run out of money to lend? Is any of it literally there? 134 words ELI5: What is the use/need of complex numbers in real life if they are imaginary? 121 words eli5 How are guns accurate if their sights are so high? 190 words eli5 What the hell is 4-dimensional space?? I’ve seen lots of stuff about it lately and even the tesseract animations just make me more confused. 314 words ELI5: Can you explain to me how time is regarded as the 4th dimension? Does it mean that if we assume time as a dimension then an object traveling to different time period is possible?