266 words Saxonian police on Twitter: we captured the terror suspect last night in Leipzig 229 words Visa free travel in eu? 177 words STD/STI disclosure with partners. What is expected in Germany? 284 words Can't socialize in Germany... 462 words What do you hate/strongly dislike about German culture? 354 words Interested in working in Germany as a software developer. 508 words Mayor (CDU) stops watching BDSM porn to defend Constitution 276 words How many foreign troops are stationed in Germany and how do the Germans feel about them? And some family geopolitcs rant in the description 291 words Can I legally demand for my salary under these circumstances? 354 words Interested in moving to Germany(Bachelors of Science Electrical Engineering with 7 years work as Software Engineer). I don't know the language and want to learn. Are there good places to work so that I can learn the language prior to continuing my education ? 471 words Advice on how to go about seeking assisted suicide in Germany. 481 words Something is confusing about the refugee crisis. 560 words The refugee crisis is scary 594 words Regions/Bundeslands safe for non-white immigrant 299 words What are my rights in Germany when dealing with police? (And other related questions) 559 words Keep the money. 411 words Applying to GERMAN UNIS and desperate for some information. 874 words Germany Student Visa refusal ruined me. 307 words What do Germans think about a visitor or immigrant who speaks English, but not German? Potential immigrant wants to know. 521 words Hello! I'm an American who will be living in Osnabrück during the summer. Can anyone tell me what it's like?