707 words I'm 13 and interested in graphic design. What classes do you recommend I take in high school? 332 words How is being a graphic designer 310 words Should I switch to Mac? 195 words Photoshop or Illustrator for a design like this 340 words Detailed infographic question 210 words The client "sketch" - When your client wants a collage in a newsletter and provides you with "a sketch." 712 words What is the graphic design community like? Not just Reddit but IRL. I'm not a designer but just judging by this subreddit you all seem to enjoy attacking one another. 309 words Specialising in a certain subfield of design? 327 words My t-shirt was in a movie poster (and the movie) with out me signing anything, am I entitled to anything? 372 words Has anyone started as a successful self-taught designer then went to school for it? I would like to hear your experience. 390 words How do you guys deal with burn out? 480 words Is it ethical to do work for contract for a company my father is directing? 752 words Looking to hire to create new logo! 407 words Should I buy a macbook Pro? 314 words In-house designers, what are you looking for in a junior designer? 350 words How did you start out? 326 words Getting into UI/UX as a Graphic Designer 343 words Print design and gutters 387 words Soon to graduate University, portfolio advice please? 373 words Question for Graphic Designer... Did you major in graphic design in college? If not what did you major in and how did you learn graphic design