The client "sketch" - When your client wants a collage in a newsletter and provides you with "a sketch."

Maybe the client shouldn't even tell OP what they want directly then.

Exactly. The client should focus on what they are good at: their business, their industry, their market and their customers. Usually this comes in the form of a brief. That brief should cover objectives and business strategy. At no point should the client be drawing what they want. What they want doesn't matter. What their customers want matters. You shouldn't tell a lawyer how to keep you out of jail or tell a doctor how to diagnose you. It's called being a professional. Everything you go through and learn to become a designer isn't for nothing. The schooling, portfolio reviews, internships, asshole CDs and ADs and late nights are there to teach you to think like a designer. The client doesn't have any of that. So, again, they client shouldn't be Art Directing. They shouldn't be drawing. As to go along with that, as a designer, you should be discussing the work on the clients terms. If you start talking about the typeface you picked or how you kerned the logo perfectly you've failed. That doesn't matter to the client. What matters to them is how your design is going to help them accomplish their business objectives.

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