235 words Help me understand logarithms. I want to calc log10(x) without a calculator. Where x is a positive integer between 10-40 [Algebra] 279 words [Trig] Finding the height of a building. 356 words [Calc 1] Absolute value inequation 315 words [High school] Compound interest formulas. 402 words Is it possible to solve for 2 unknown variables related by a single linear equation when it is known that x and y will be positive integers? 393 words [College Intro Physics] 2 cars heading toward each other 313 words [UNI series] If series a_n has limit a, how to prove that (a1*a2*...*a_n)^(1/n) has the same limit a? 398 words Those kids make me crazy 463 words How do I stop sucking at math, or better where do I even start? I have so many basics that are missing.... 500 words I have high school level math and beginner excel experience. Need help with an equation. *WARNING* Long equation ahead! 335 words Linear Algebra: are column vectors and row vectors the same? 525 words [Calculus] Differentiation with respect to x, what does this actually mean? 571 words [Linear Algebra] Why is it okay to assume the inductive hypothesis. 472 words How to understand Linear Equations, Linear Graphs in General? 1,052 words What do I need to teach myself before I teach myself Clac? 341 words How do I show my 13 year old brother that there's more to math than just arithmetic and/or why it is beneficial to learn? 335 words Trying to learn trig, but I'm hampered by my lack of understanding how to easily figure out stuff like sin(pi+x), cos(7pi/6 - x) etc. Any resources? 699 words Reducing Fractions (8/10 to 4/5) with photographs [3rd grade]