166 words Proof of y = a(x - x1)(x - x2) 255 words Help with a simple proof. 158 words Taking Calculus 3 after a 3 year break. How can I prepare? 281 words I’ve been bad at math most of my life. But I hate that fact and want to become confident since math is essential. What can I do? 163 words Learning math in preparing for CS. 151 words Would you give this full marks? 400 words So, since negative numbers are unnatural, are only used in reference to an arbitrary point, and were only fairly recently agreed upon - how did the old philosophers who invented geometry calculate stuff? 271 words Any trick to remember the Product-to-sum and sum-to-product identities? 168 words Is this possible to solve? If so how? 303 words Can someone prove Euler’s formula (cos(x)+isin(x)=e^ix ) intuitively? 185 words How does one take the whole derivitive of z=f(x, y), for example z=x2+y2? 166 words Calculus I derivative rules. Need to get better at finding the derivative when e is used and whenever I have to use the rule that uses ln 172 words Proofing upper and lower bound question 129 words [Geometric Algebra] I was simply trying to rotate the cube. But it seems I'm misunderstanding something about the Geometric Algebra. 121 words Eigenfunctions and eigenvalues 265 words 'e' with ln () as a function? 157 words Why Do People Rely on the Order of Operations? 120 words Why does y'' + y = 0 have exactly 2 independent solutions? 212 words [Discrete Maths]Finding out if certain functions can define probabilities 145 words Math Challenge