117 words Me and my partner are looking for a way to incorporate BDSM (mostly dominance/submission) into our magic! 381 words Is magic and witchcraft actually real or are you just roleplaying or something 134 words How to get started into the practice of pyrokenesis? 171 words Is it possible to speak all of the world languages? 175 words Help. My parents think I'm a collective of demons parading around in their dead daughter's meat suit. They tried exorcism, holy water, rituals of various religions. I know next to nothing about the occult. Background in comment. Thank you! 364 words For more insight, spend some time meditating on ____ 356 words Have you ever heard of the Servants of the Light? How does the vibe of this crowd compare with that of the Builders of Adytum? Both seem very reclusive. 532 words I have two witches messing with me how do I get them to stop? 124 words Not quite sure how to ask this, but it has been bugging me. 196 words Thinking of getting the lesser key of Solomon tattooed as a sleeve. Bad idea? 171 words Please share stories that tarot, rune casting, and other forms of divination worked. 910 words Where to start with Crowley? 187 words St. Patrick’s day 109 words Why is everyone so averse to Christ? 124 words i need advice on getting a large sum of money back. what demons or spells do you guys recomend? 411 words I do not like the idea of "Becoming one with the Universe". 121 words What are your favorite occult novels? 138 words Unwanted guests 146 words Last night I astral projected. Its been happening since 12 and im 23 now. Usually when i astral project its terrifying. But this time i saw this followed by angelic singing. I traveled further than i ever have before. And there was light instead of dark. Anyone recognise this symbol? 122 words What was your first "HOLY SHIT, MAGIC REALLY WORKS!" moment? & Which method was followed?