03-27 17:47 - 'Yet this dumbass u/allyourexpensivetoys wants to take over 4chan...' by /u/sirsquirt5alot removed from /r/de within 7-12min

If you only read my posts about politics the last few years you would have gotten a smarter and more accurate take than 99% of the media, a number I might be lowballing. The only bubble is the one the media has created.

Anyone who thinks Trump's presidency will crumble is just not bright. Obama was the first leftist we elected in 40 years, total disaster of a candidate.

At least no one pretends he's smart. Obama is a dumb person's idea of an intellectual.

And for the third time in a hundred years France, UK, America and Russia might have to stop the machinations of Germany from overtaking Europe.

If she doesn't win, there's gonna be a coup. Think of how much blood France has shed over the millennia, only to be slowly ground down by bad immigration policy.

Science is dumb

I'm pretty bright and got a wide array of interests.

I never said on which issue. I'll take a denier over some dope that wants to conduct on experiment on the whole of Earth on the off chance we can actually cool it. That's insanity.

We're going to re-organize the whole world economy on the hunch A) The models are totally correct B) Our actions can change it.

Hey sure, let's just conduct an experiment on the entire earth based on models. That isn't the recipe for tyranny and death.

I'm an environmentalist no doubt, but I'm not a gambler.

Liberals view education as magically transformative. I was born smart I didn't become smart because of the school system.

What a dumb march, the left is as bad about science as conservatives. In some ways, Trump has a better understanding of science than prior Presidents.

To be fair, some of his supporters are guilty of it too. When he launched those rockets or didn't label China a manipulator people got mad, I was just like "art of the deal my dudes".

Anti-nationalism is more dangerous than nationalism. You need LaPen or there won't be a France in a few generations.

I'm totally right. Obama is so petty and corny. He's such a joke. Good for Trump and Putin. I like this alliance.

I actually just don't like science anymore.

They need more correct opinions, such as the ones provided by Tucker and Hannity.

They're trying to set Trump up like Nixon got set up.

No because you're clearly agitated and emotional and won't be responsive to facts. You can paypal me 25 dollars if you want my enlightened commentary.

Yeah but nothing like what it became. It was a media coup on Nixon. They hold outsized influence and used it to take him down.

I'm totally right. They took out Nixon for no reason!

He's probably the smartest and most savvy foreign policy President since Nixon.

Ok and the left can't win elections without massive immigration influences and this is a big deal.

I am very smart, please submit this post there so people know.

I'm Here, intelligent and well spoken

I guess I'm smart and honest up front with people.

and I'm far smarter than you. I honestly feel bad for you, you didn't choose to be like this.

my philosophy is coherent, liberalism is insanity, we're talking communism level incoherence and insanity.

/r/removalbot Thread