4/21 KR Balance Patch: Focus on Luciel, Add, Rose

Warning: Salt incoming

Ok, called the DiE >>^zx fix

But seriously there was no reason to nerf Luciel so hard. Basically both NB and DL are now weaker than pre-renewal... and the costumes part... literally nerfing Luciel back to when they first got released... I have a feeling that their cooldown for combination skills will be something stupid like 32 seconds like SD's 10 orb skills.

Base Luciel:

  • Costumes and accessories now back to when they first got released (no need to do this...)
  • Google translate screwed this one too badly
  • Reduced inactive character MP charge (reasonable but they shouldn't change the pve value)
  • V key went from invuln to super armor (I have seen no one complain about this before but ok, minor change, considering its literally impossible to escape if you clicked v and someone hit you now anyways)
  • Strong Strike (literally useless again, great!)
  • Nether Shredder & Soul Infest (cooldown added... I can see the reason but we'll see the cooldown duration)
  • Evil Claw mp consumption increased (really nerfed again?)


  • Terror Chain nerfed
  • Ruinous Impact back to pre-renewal (really... I was so excited when it got buffed)
  • Creeping terror cooldown increased (was 0.1 seconds, this makes it so you have to spam dead hands/phantom blade)
  • Dead Hands aura removed, buff reduced effect (thanks for making this required skill useless yet we still need to bring it, I would rather they up the MP cost)
  • Oriax, so apparently 35% movement speed is too fast and they decided to nerf it yet again, great now we got sentry Lu + MP consumption increased again (don't forget that KR players don't socket add damage so Oriax seems incredibly OP but look at NA, Oriax only reduces effectively 50-70% of the damage in >SSS)
  • Apollyon hah, apparently 15% proc chance is too high + cooldown added + reduced damage
  • Terror Absorption, yep evil is pretty BS but who uses this anyways


  • Lord of Terror debuff duration reduce effect removed (apparently reduced debuff duration is pretty BS. PS: VC and DiE's didn't even get touched)
  • Oblivion cooldown added


  • Soul Collector (reduced damage of Ciel's bullets, like ok fine but I'm still salty that GA's didnt get touched, don't forget hers cost 0 mp with a cheap active)
  • Eschaton, added cooldown


  • Shadow Bolt (Google translate screwed this one up too)
  • FI2, needed a nerf for sure but now its shit again (ignore defense was the only thing keeping FI2 alive)
  • Nobility nerfed all 3 values

Conclusion: Simply nerfed too hard. I get that Luciel gets a lot of complains in pvp but there was no reason to nerf them so hard in pve, especially DL. They basically forced DL to bring the aura now especially since I socket crit so hard, like many others (especially since DL has a passive which increases physical crit damage). I'll still stay by CH/DL tho, never gonna leave them, even if they keep getting nerfed, I'll just make salt threads. I feel the CrA mains' pain

/rant (prepared for downvotes)

/r/elsword Thread Link - elsword.nexon.com