4/29/16 Weekend War Sign-Up Thread

Clan: Reddit Upsilon

IGN: JerseyDiablo

1. What are your clan's strengths?: We have a good social atmosphere in the clan, with lots of in-jokes and generally a pretty funny chat while also taking the war game seriously. We've done a nice job keeping up with the changing meta strategies in the game, and as a group everyone has bought into the "upgrade offense before defense philosophy." Ever since clan wars were added to the game we've tried to walk the line between sticking to our roots as a "Social clan." while also being proficient at war, but not super hardcore about it, and it feels like we're in a good place. We've been winning wars at about a 90% success rate for more than 6 months now which has kept morale high even when people were starting to get down on the game after the TH11 update/Clash Royale release.

2. What are your clan's weaknesses?: A few things. As a clan I wish more of us used our subreddit to stay organized and communicate. Much of the clan is now on our GroupMe which is great (it's not mandatory) but instead of sharing attack videos and ideas on our sub it's mostly dominated by sign-up war posts and updates about periodic clan events. Our leadership team is mostly composed of long time players, many who have been in Upsilon since 2013. While that's generally a good thing the downside is that many of these long time players are slogging through the TH10 hero grind and aren't as active in the game or as motivated to help with administration as they once were. I've gotten some nice feedback from other RCS leaders on how to fix this by assigning specific tasks to everyone. Lastly, we're behind some of our peers in terms of clan xp/perk progression (we're at 2781/5900 on way to level 9 at a time when many RCS clans are hitting level 10). This is a product of us not warring as frequently in the past and some performance issues a year ago when we transitioned, somewhat painfully, to a 3-star mindset. This may be a future issue in terms of recruiting, not a current problem, but I'm aware of it.

3. Do you have any ideas or suggestions regarding the RCS in general? I thought you'd never ask! :p A) I agree with Strange and Spike's comments that the official clan list should be reorganized. "General" "Competitive" and "War" doesn't really cut it any more. How about something like "General" "Farming" (for those who really deemphasize war or War Farmers like Dynasty/Spartans/Quandry) "Trophy Pushing" (I honestly don't know if anyone really identifies as that any more) "Social War" and "Constant War." B) Be more proactive in terms of identifying clans that are unhealthy or in a membership death spiral and either find a way to offer assistance rehabilitating them, facilitate a merger or dispersal of their members to another RCS clan or clans, or de-list them if they don't turn things around on their own within a certain timeframe. C) Secure several lapsed or abandoned Reddit clans to be "house clans" for the purposes of inter-RCS scrimages/arranged wars. This topic came up in one of the Scrim Leadership GroupMes. Since we all hate adding "red lines" to our home clans it would be nice if we could have a few level 5+ clans we could temporarily move players to to arrange wars amongst ourselves. Arranged wars and mixed scrims have really helped me and my clanmates build a connection with others in the system so I think this should be encouraged. D) A little more information on the current membership and activities of the RCS leadership council would be helpful. I can find the old thread about it's creation and original membership here on the Meta sub but really not much else. What kinds of job tasks does the council currently need help with and what kind of time commitment is involved? E) More RCS sponsored events and promotion of the system on the RCS subreddit and r/clashofclans in general. I think for a lot of players on the general sub the last they heard of the RCS was the total "fustercluck" of the botched RWCS rollout and schism. They were left with the impression that the RCS had become a dysfunctional joke that lost all their players to the RWCS. Zig and Zag from Zulu in particular have been trying to prop-up interest on the RCS subreddit but we all need to make more of an effort there. Hydrogen and Tango recently random matched in a 50 v 50 war with a close outcome and nothing was ever posted about it on the RCS sub. That should've been an easy highlight. Some more events to engage the regular clash community would be good publicity for us and improve our reputation on the general clash sub. What about a trophy push with a team or two composed of a mix of RCS clans versus a team of people signed up through the general sub and have them compete using the TFS system? Another "Reddit Donates" type event? Just spit-balling here on how we can raise the spotlight of our system a bit, which will help us all with recruiting and the sense of community.

4. For funsies -- What movie have you recently seen and would recommend? Recently re-watched a good 90's PBS documentary series called "The Great War and the Making of the 20th Century." It's focused on the human/individual experience of World War I and I thought it was excellent. Tough to find outside of your local library but as a history buff I think it's worth it, especially with the war and so many of the events that occurred reaching their 100th anniversaries right now. I'm behind on a lot of more recent movies but also saw re-watch Star Wars: The Force Awakens on an airplane flight and def recommend it if you've been on the fence.

/r/redditupsilon Thread