8 Passengers Dictionary

I would also add under "Connexions" definition: A self-help, life coaching business created by Jodi Hildebrandt, LCMHC. Connexions posits itself as the sole teacher of the keys to peace and happiness, only to be found through living in "Truth," rather than "Distortion" as defined by Jodi (see other definitions). In recent months, Jodi Hildebrandt has brought on Ruby Franke (of 8 passengers), who was already a life coach with Connexions for a few years now, as the new public face of the Connexions organization. Ruby and Jodi argue that Connexions is a different modality from psychology that helps people to heal. When, in actuality, it is merely another self-help movement that twists various psychological theories with their personal beliefs under the guise of "Truth." The beliefs and practices of Connexions are heavily influenced by LDS theology. Aspects of psychology, such as thoughts being involuntary, the effects of abuse, influencing another, etc., are all ignored or downplayed by Connexions. In fact, many beliefs accepted widely by the psychological scientific community and the scientific community at large are blatantly denied or declared "false." Frequently, it is my opinion that Connexions, and the advice that they give, cross out of the bounds of life coaching and into areas that only professionals should touch, such as licensed therapists. In any case, it is my opinion that Connexions is a manipulative, harmful self-help group with cult-like tendencies.

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