accurate meme

Man, I've played like every Smite season start since season 3 or 4...this has by far been the most painful. This season I'm already averaging <50% W/L ratio and I've always sat at ~52-54% in the past (not amazing, but mostly wins!).

Every match it's something.

  • Teammates never joining
  • People just hitting F6 and going AFK until we lose, even when it's close or we're ahead...
  • I only played a single match of casual Conquest and immediately regretted that...
  • Got people running in solo, dying, and spamming OK more than ever; often times they leave after it happens once
  • In Assault, so many people rolling away great picks without even offering trades first :/
  • So on and so forth

When I see teammates struggling against a specific player or god, I try to provide info on counterbuilding, only for it to always be ignored. Then they just keep getting salty and spamming VGS when they die.

Super, super tired of toxic LATAM players. I know they're not all this way, but it's a very, very common trend. So, so much Venezuelan and Brazilian slurs/slang.

I hope all these new/returning players either settle in or fuck off again or something and shit can go back to normal. (Where it's everything above but less of it. :P )

/r/gank Thread