Alright Fellow Fountain Pen Aficionado's, what other hobbies do you pursue and how do you entwine your fountain pen obsession?

List of interests that take up time/money: - Video Games - wine & whiskey - exploring New York City - cooking for enjoyment - reading

I really couldn't afford to pick up this hobby but when the bug bites, it bites hard. I found the best way to deal with having so many interests is to realize if I want to enjoy a bit of each, I can't focus all my energy on one specific field of interest.

Also try not to feel self-imposed pressure from your hobby. I learned this lesson with video games. I had a huge backlog of games and I felt pressure to go back and "get my money's worth" from previous purchases. I also felt like I needed to play all the new games that interested me. The day that I became comfortable knowing I wasn't going to play everything I previously purchased or that I didn't have to buy every console was the day I got to pick and choose what I did want to give my precious free time. Best feeling in the world!

Don't worry about trying to collect every pen or try every ink, just focus on that top 10% that you really want and appreciate the rest from afar.

/r/fountainpens Thread