Growing Up in Pornland: Girls Have Had It with Porn Conditioned Boys

Okay, I'll be upfront. I watched a ton of porn. I collect it and have a shelf displaying some pieces in my flat. Not for titilation mind you. It started basically with the discovery of Cinema Snob and all the crap he watches, then I worked myself from 70s porn to modern. It rolls in the background, I watch reactions and search for fuckups. My ex describes me as probably the only porn-connoisseur in a 100 km radius and we talk about both how that industry changed over the last decades as well as the effect it has on people.

Tho, I also be upfront. I have a few videos I watch for titilation (my favorites being just the recordings of womens faces while they masturbate and orgasm. Fascinating and probably the closest I get to stimulating what I love about sex - the intimacy with the partner and watching the enjoyment in their face).

This aside:

Defenders of porn often say that it provides sex education.

This is just scary. 70s porn may have been in some aspects, old porn, and maybe a fery few selected videos of today, but porn per se has jack fucking shit to do with healthy sex. It is a (power) fantasy, emposing the watchers will over a woman. The more "hardcore" it gets the more demeaning the narrative of the pornographic video is towards the actress.

And I get the strong feeling that many young teens and adults (and fuck it, even grown-ass man) think pornography is real. That the acresses do it for the enjoyment of porn, not that it is a job like any other. I doubt that they ever see the fuckups in the videos, where there is a shitty cut and the fantasy is broken because the actor can't get stiff enough and he yells "Cut" into the video. Like the actor, the acress has to be ready on bloody command. They don't see certain acts as fetishes, but just another step in the "relationship". See shit like this for that very phenomenon.

Sex education is severly lacking. With the easy access to porn sex ed should've been advanced and reworked because of the very nature of porn. Now it serves as "sex ed"... Sure.

rant over

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