Anyone else sick of the neo-libs telling us to vote and donate so we can continue to get nothing out of them.

i was looking for some range time during the pandemic and i responded to an "open house / range day" out in the sticks. seemed like a good crew but by the 3rd event i realized

a. that they were a legit militia b. what the roles were c. how they were surely on an FBI list or two

aside from realizing they had the worst opsec ever - one guy bragged "we're mostly threepers you know" the other thing that stuck out is how they were suuuuper hooked up with rural police, fire, and EMS.

if shit ever hits the fan and i need to get out of the city, i will give their area a wiiiiiiide margin. i have absolutely no doubt they'll control it with the help of local power structures.

/r/itcouldhappenhere Thread Parent