"Are you gonna play the victim all life long?" My experience as a woman in board gaming, in brief.

I was really disappointed to read this thread. ALL of this woman's story is anecdotes that may not even be true. Yet she apparently speaks for all women. She does not speak for me. I have been a part of the board gaming community for the last 4 years, and I have NEVER experienced any level of sexism. Trust me, board game meet ups and board game shops are not the most normal places to be. Many people there are very socially awkward and making friends is hard enough without trying to make yourself a victim by just being a woman. I am always treated well at meetups, and there have been very few comments about my being a woman who enjoys board/video games. That said, any comments I heard were positive (such as "I'm so glad to see more women getting into the hobby!" etc). I understand that my lack of experience with sexist individuals in board/video game communities does not mean it does not happen, however it does mean it's rare. Rare enough that it's not a thing women need to worry about. What am very curious about is what this woman looks like (resting b*tch face can make you seem unfriendly or unapproachable) and what her attitude is. I can tell you that women in board games have been the worst I've come across, they have been very condescending, rude and unfriendly. Whether it's jealousy, rivalry or pure competitiveness I do not know, but I can tell you that they have been the only reason I have had an unpleasant experience at meetups. This woman is probably an annoying person and doesn't realize that's why people treat her a certain way.

/r/HOTandTRENDING Thread Link - reddit.com