Asher has been wanting to cuddle ALL the time lately

Asher origin story:

I had turned 18 and knew I wanted a dog. I researched into it heavily and thus began my journey. I knew I didn't want to buy some backyard-bred dog off Kijiji. I wanted to adopt, not shop.

I adopted Asher from alberta lost pet locator and rescue society rescues for adoption. He was one of the puppies from here.

Sask shelters were overwhelmed so they had a bunch in Alberta. I drove to Strathmore to pick him up. I asked the lady which one she thinks I should take. She said asher would "match my energy." They gave me his sheet, with his microchip and vax info, and I was on my way.

He had an ear infection, so I took him to my vet to be treated. I later learned that the specific ear drops they gave me CAN CAUSE DEAFNESS. I wrack my brain trying to remember if he ever responded to sounds. I used to feel so guilty. Like it was my fault he was deaf. To this day, I still don't know. I thought the shelter would check for deafness, but tbh, they were overwhelmed with all the dogs. Probably why they adopted him out to a 19 year old, as "mature" as I was.

It took me FOUR months to discover he was deaf lol. He has intelligent, responsive eyes and hes really aware of his surroundings. He fools most people. He fooled my vet! I found out he was deaf, because his groomer said he doesn't respond to the sound of the dryer. Most dogs hate it. The next day, while he was sleeping, I banged pots and pans above his head. No response. I always thought he was a super deep sleeper, bless his heart.

/r/u_hi9ugdtup9h Thread Link -