Ayo what was Adam up to back in the day lol pause!!

Got nothing else to say to all that because deep down you realize you're a sad little retard man who's only accomplishment is that you've only breeded more retardation to this world (your son)

If we were back in the stone ages where you're still stuck mentally, I would've been a literal god to you. You would've worshipped me because of your inferior intellect and incapability to be an useful asset to life itself. A worthless hole only good for satisfying my huge penis when I wanted to fuck something stupider than a female monkey. After I was been done with you, you would've spread the word of my good will to the other retards of your bloodline. Telling them that I was good & merciful god for not smiting you down for being an lower form of life.

You would've been the modern day Retard Jesus. A true mindless follower and cum guzzler of god.

/r/NoJumper Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it