I've only been introduced to NoJumper through Destiny podcasts. Can someone tl;dr me on the recent drama that everyone on the subreddit seems to be talking about with NoJumper?

Idk how far back you need this to go but here’s a quick timeline of events…

  • Adam has a trans woman come on his podcast and she exposes that Housephone (one of his cohosts) had been “intimate” with her.
  • Destiny comments on this and subsequently disrespects Housephone’s mom on livestream
  • Housephone and his cohosts from his podcast go on stream and disrespect Destiny & his wife
  • Housephone and Adam have a public falling out on a live podcast (drinks were thrown)
  • Housephone, Blazzy, and Potlord (cohosts on his podcast) all leave the No Jumper platform to start their own channel and podcast.
  • After a few weeks, Lush (another one of the hosts on NJ) gets caught speaking too openly with members of their discord
  • Adam gets wind of this and unceremoniously fires Lush during a News stream
  • AD (another one of the hosts) doesn’t take too kindly to Adam giving Richard Spencer a platform at NJ
  • AD hears that Adam was “talking behind his back” to members of the discord and Lush about his lack of podcasting skills
  • Adam & AD’s relationship gets strained because of this (and a lot of other behind the scene issues)
  • AD, TRell, DoKnow, and Smacc (all hosts of their own pod under the NJ umbrella) leave No Jumper and start their own channel.
  • Adam ends up laying off a majority of his behind the scenes staff due to the exodus of most of his on air talent
/r/NoJumper Thread