Baby is already grumpy when we start bedtime routine. Do we need to start earlier?

We do diaper change, put on PJs and read a book about 15 mins before he goes to bed. Then at 6:30, I take him up, we rock, and sing him a few songs while he’s eating. Once he’s done with the bottle, he’s definitely very sleepy and down he goes. But, we have been blessed with a lil guy that sleeps really well.

However, whenever he falls asleep in the car and then we try to transfer him to the crib for a nap, it almost never works. No matter how short that car nap was. I think rocking him to sleep and then re waking him to change is most likely the issue. Maybe change into sleep suit immediately after bottle and then rock him? We only tried a sleep suit for one night and it was a major fail so not sure how it would be rocking him in that.

/r/sleeptrain Thread