
Number of comments for /u/Bibibis: 995 (max 1000)\nLatent Dirichlet Allocation of 657 comments (length > 50):\nTopic 1: card, one, fucking, win, make, shit, think, right, give, like\nTopic 2: get, game, play, every, playing, cards, free, 10, would, start\nTopic 3: people, even, level, hog, cards, barbs, deck, damage, lvl, go\nTopic 4: server, game, one, players, client, even, time, games, work, problem\nTopic 5: reddit, could, probably, guy, always, game, face, good, actually, never\nTopic 6: would, still, op, got, way, let, find, minions, oh, rogue\n\n- Best comment: When this 90 year old reposter started to submit, the President leaned in and told him this had already been posted hundreds of times. This shitposter submitted, saying "But Sir, the karma." (1449 points, submitted to /r/MURICA)\n\n- Worst comment: No way, Americans not understanding anything about football. Who would have thought (-64 points, submitted to /r/LiverpoolFC)\n\nAverage comment score: 11.40\nTop 10 most used words: Game (125 times), One (103 times), Get (101 times), Even (87 times), Would (79 times), Time (74 times), Play (66 times), Like (64 times), Make (60 times), Server (58 times)\n

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