
ok, so since this meme got cuckbois from various soysubs a bit triggered, let me explain my take on it (I'm kind of narcissist artist, you know), and why this is not an attack to anyone.

This is the depiction of the desensitization of an incel (let's call him St.Blackops2cel, the guy in the pic), the observation that he truly doesn't care anymore.

He's there, first panel, he just exists, and just as he exists, he expresses his inner thoughts (in this case the "I'm lonely. All I want is love and physical affection"). He seems sad, but alive, communicating his emotions.

Then completely out of the blue the woman appears (on a first level it could symbolize the nice guys/women of Rebbit™ trying to destroy his soul, as it so often happened on this site; on a greater scheme it symbolizes the world and the natural blackpill that comes from living in it, if you're sentient enough). One point here is that he already understands what he is being told since a long time, hence the impassivity of him to that attack.

Then, completely unrelated, a bad event happens. It's not important that it happens to the very same person in the second panel: the woman in distress resembles her but can you really say it's the one from the second panel? It's not important. It's not important because St.Blackop2cel doesn't care. He is unmoved, unperturbed by the world that surrounds him, he is gone and lost for good. He continues to express his inner thoughts, last panel, not with malice, not with a smirk for what happened. He is unaware of that, lost in the depths of inceldom, alone and lost, he has become hollow, just repeating the same singsong, unheeded even by other incels; he is the same as the first panel. But now you truly realize he is not sad, he is not alive, he is not even expressing his emotions anymore. He is empty, hollow, he is just a vessel of his former living self, what remains of a man after he injects to much blackpills.

The end.

/r/lnceITears Thread Link -