Beautifully Clear Shock of Deliberate Detonation of Explosive in Test

Oh, Neutrino!

Why go to the APA style guide among the hundreds of others?

Reddit isn’t ruled by the Associated Press, nor is it constrained for space and concerns for line length as are newspapers (and thus the reason for the majority of the the clunkier APA decisions, such as the spelling “ax” instead of “axe” and mandating the use of the nonword “OK”).

(I’m just banging on you, because I dislike APA and don’t understand why the ISEE doesn’t put out at least some rough guidelines. Shock wave or shockwave? Beam spray or beamspray? Mach stem or triple-point? Triple-point or triple point? Tritinol or tritinol? Hyphenate “high order” if it acts as a compound adjective modifying a single noun AND precedes the noun, but leave it open if it follows the noun? See? It’s maddening!)

Source: am in the bidness of writing ‘bout the bidness.

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