Can I join

Sorry there was a major autocorrect mistake in my previous comment, even though it was a small one it changed the meaning of the sentence completely. However, its fixed now, where the "&" is.

A couple years ago I was talking to a Ford rap who attended a veterans shindig. Dad's a 30-year military veteran and usually gets invited often to these celebrations or Awards dinners. I always presenting it with some sort of metal or plaque. Anyway this was a few years before the release of the Ford maverick. He was telling me how Ford got a huge amount of response to the new ranger, how many faithful Ranger followers didn't like the larger size and they hadn't realized there was still a market for the compact truck. Until the Maverick came out there was only one compact truck selling in America and that was by Hyundai. So Ford so how well that was selling and decided to make a similar truck for the Ford version. It's more of a successor to the Ranger from old and the newer Ranger is.

I rented the new ranger when it first came out to see if it would be suitable for me. I had difficulty getting it into my parking spot, and avoiding branches on roads that I go down often to clients. I do a lot of Contracting and handyman work. Make sure it was just too big. I didn't realize such a slight increase in size would have made such a big difference. Even the turning radius I had to do k-turns where I used to be able to just whip a U-turn.

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